Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back to blogging

Hey everybody....ok the 4 people that may read this. I have decided I should start blogging again just to say I do. Plus there are things in my daily life that are funny or outstanding or just plain weird that I think others might want to hear about. So...maybe I will keep on top of things. Who knows. So on to todays entry.

As we have a had quite the crazy day in the office this morning (1 computer won’t load it’s OS, 1 computer was mysteriously locked and could not be unlocked, and 1 printer was just going haywire) we have decided to blame this all on McDonalds. Why McDonalds you say? Well today is Free McSkillet Burrito Day (tomorrow too). We feel like they have just thrown the entire balance of the cosmos by offering this deal. Buy a drink, get a free burrito. Ludicrous!!!

So if things seem a bit out of whack today and you really cannot figure out why, blame it on the free burritos.

Well, if you read this, thanks. If you don' don't know what this says.
