Monday, May 7, 2007

Case of the Mondays

I try my best to have a good attitude towards work. Most of the time, I do. Today, I just plain didn't feel like going. I got in around 8:40, really didn't get much accomplished all day til about 4:30. I was just not in it today.

On my way home, I thought about my day and in comparison to most, I have it pretty easy. Compared to the life of Christ, my day was nothing. What if He didn't "feel like it" one day. What if He just said "I don't feel like dying on the cross for the world"? It was a quick jolt back into perspective. He knew what his purpose on this earth was, and He still did it. He still endured hardships and temptations, and even betrayal from His closest friends. I just didn't want to go to work and sit at my desk, in the A/C, with creature comforts galore, an hour lunch break, and the freedom to pretty much plan out my day. After I compare that to what Christ did for me on a daily basis and especially what He did for me on the cross, I am ashamed of how much of a crappy attitude I can sometimes carry around with me at work or wherever. I know it's not the best correlation between going to work and Christ dying on the cross, but I think it will help me stay in check when my attitude starts turning sour.

The rest of my evening was spent on mowing the front yard and getting some groceries and other necessities @ Super Wal-Mart in HIllsborough. Now, I think I might try to go to bed within the hour. I hope.

Buona Notte

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