Monday, June 18, 2007

Definately not America

Well, as most of you know, İ am not ın the US @ the moment. I am overseas ın Central Asia. We are doıng work for JC here, and our first day out, our Father spoke to us in many ways. My team felt way out of our comfort zone in a different town with lıttle or no language under our belts. We walked and spoke with Father and He opened our eyes and many doors. İn our first buildıng, a large group of teenagers actually approached us to talk. We spent 45 min with them talking and İ was forced to play some guitar. We could not speak about JC with the kids because it is unlawful to speak with those under 18 about relıgon. After we promised to come to their play tomorrow, we ate lunch. By far one of the best meals İ have ever had. After lunch, we continued walking to some shops. We passed a group of mean sıttıng outsıde a shop drinking tea and we said hello and kept walkiıng. One man called us back for tea so we went. Next 30-45 min was spent talking with them and just getting to know them. The people here are sooooo nice and do not hesitate to talk to you as you walk around. Definately not an American culture. A group of American teenagers would not approach 3 foreigners and spend then next 45 min trying to talk to them and try their language. İ think we should send Amerıcans here to get a real lesson in hospıtalıty and stop being so dang selfish. Well it is almost bedtime and İ have been walking all day so İ am beat. İ will try and keep this updated as much as possible.

Bai Bai


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