Saturday, April 21, 2007


Have I mentioned I LOVE WEEKENDS!!!! Seriously, they are just fun. Point and case, this weekend. Friday, got off work a little early and headed home to prepare for that nights activities. Some of those crazy Summit YP's came over to la casa and hung out all night. And I mean, all night. DDR, GH, 42, Pump it Up, etc. etc. Most everyone was gone around 12:30AM or so with a few stragglers here and there. Got in bed around 2:30 or so. Sleeeeeeeppppp.

Saturday. I woke up @ 8 or so, but got out of bed around 10 or so. Did some laundry and watch some idiot box. Then I went and got my new phone. Nokia E62. It's awesome. I'm still trying to figure it all out, but its cool. Then I went to help Jessica with her silly car. Hopefully she can figure out what's wrong with it soon. Then it was back home and then off to Brier Creek for the movies. Hot Fuzz. Then the hilarity ensued. It was amazingly funny. I recommend it for those who have a "special" kind of humor. Then it was off to dinner @ Jason's Deli. Good food. Then home again for a while before more fun was to take place. Karaoke (empty-orchestra) College life was riddled with much of this crazy time. Now I was back in the seat again tonight. The place was kinda packed so we only got one song, but it was a good one. You've lost that Loving Feelin'. Always a favorite for karaoke. Then the ladies sang I love Rock n' Roll. Again, another karaoke fav. After those we departed to our respective homes for the night. Now I am here and barley awake to type. Church @ 8AM. Lets get a few hours of sleep in so we don't yawn in service.



Bonnie G. said...

Amen! And I have pictures to prove it! hehehe Weekends, indeed, are amazing. :)

Bonnie G. said...

So now you have to blog about this weekend!