Wednesday, July 15, 2009

good mooooooorrrrrrnnniiinnnngggg

1st of all, the new Harry Potter movie is great. Not exactly conducive to getting to work @ 8 AM if you go to be around 4 AM though. There was a crazy amout of people there. The theater manager said there were 1,200. I didn't count them all but there were a lot. Good movie with good flow of events that keeps you interested.

Needless to say, I am moving pretty slow @ work today. I just guzzled down my Java Monster so hopefully I can keep the "nodding head syndrome" at bay. For a little while at least.

If you read my blog and you do not read Stuff Christians Like, I am honored (I guess). There is a great post today that everyone should read.

Have a great day and if you see me nodding off, yell so I can wake back up.

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