Wednesday, July 29, 2009

think I should bring this to NC?

Since NC BBQ has its own following, I think there might be a new trend that should be brought here.

BBQ spa treatments.

Yes, you read that correctly. A BBQ spa treatment. Offered by the Crescent Court Spa in Dallas, TX, it is a special order treatment for the BBQ enthusiast out there. You are slathered in BBQ sauce then wrapped in a heating blanket for the treatment. Then you are fed chicken that has been cooked in the leftover, hopefully not used, sauce. It is said to "exfoliate, stimulate circulation, and remove toxins from your body." And then you leave smeeling like a big piece of BBQ chicken.

Since NC sauces are more vinegar based, do you think there could be a following? Are there potential risks/benefits of the vinegar?

Or would those who have had the treatment just walk around with people following them with knives and forks and a bun waiting to dig in?

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